
Happy Birthday Sawyer

Sawyer is so fun these days...he weighs 26 pounds, eats all day long, loves dinosaurs, trucks, playing in the sand, and exploring dirt and bugs.

I have to admit it has been hard keeping up with him these last few months of pregnancy and I look forward to the days when he is a bit more independent...

it was really fun to celebrate him today!

Sawyer loves dinosaurs, so dinosaurs it was...

Family picture attempt

these two are so cute together...Becket and Siena


Pam said...

yep, that's what little boys are made of. :) Sorry I missed it. I'm so ready for some cake and ice cream. Just might have to celebrate his birthday here tomorrow. haha. Need an excuse to bake a cake.

boo and stacy said...

Haha mom that is hilarious! sing happy bday to Sawyer all by yourself and eat cake and ice cream. Too funny!! Great party Svendsens!! Way to celebrate #2's #2!!! Sweet and fun loving Saywer!!!! (About to be big bro)!

deanne said...

Nicole - Happy Birthday to Sawyer! He is beautiful and I can't believe you got him to wear that tie - adorable! Looking forward to hearing about baby #3's arrival. HOW DO YOU DO IT??

woods family said...

Happy Birthday Sweet Sawyer!