
Solace and GlobalGiving

Dear Friends,

Thank you for accepting this update on the progress of Solace for the Children. As most of you know, Solace is a 501(c)3 organization we have been supporting since 2010. Beginning as a small local organization, Solace is now internationally known for our medical assistance and peace building efforts for the children of Afghanistan.

Since the focus of our efforts have shifted to Afghan children in 2007, Solace has provided life changing and life saving care to more than one hundred Afghan children participating in the Solace Summer and Extended Programs through the efforts of thousands of volunteers throughout America. In 2011, another 50 to 60 children will be added to that growing list of children.

Our newest report on the progress of Solace is also part of an important challenge. Solace for the Children has been approved as a partner organization with GlobalGiving. Through GlobalGiving we will have a greater potential for good than ever before. Before we become a permanent member we must meet one challenge… showing we have at least 50 financial supporters. We are asking you to be one of our many supporters willing to stand up and say, “The efforts of Solace for the Children are important!”

The project we are asking for help to fund through GlobalGiving is Healing Innocent War Victims: Afghan Children, yet, before you follow this link, please let me give you just a little information about how Solace operates…

· Almost half of the Afghan children served are recommended to us by our own troops on the ground. These same individuals tell us the efforts of Solace bring joy to the work they do. They also note that when healthy children return to their Afghan families our troops gain a new respect and level of trust. We believe this makes our own sons and daughters on the ground in AFG safer!

· For each dollar raised through Solace supporters, more than ten times that is provided in the life saving care for these children; children who have no other options for care! Ten times! How many organizations can provide so much for so little!

· We have a broad-based network of volunteers in Afghanistan allowing Solace to serve Afghan children in even the most remote areas and in almost three quarters of the provinces in Afghanistan!

Now, please go to Healing Innocent War Victims: Afghan Children and read more. Be a Solace supporter by giving a small or large gift on this site! Then forward this message to your friends and family. Together we can build peace on a foundation of health!

With Love,
Erik and Nicole

1 comment:

boo and stacy said...

This is great!! I'll head back to the top and check out the link!!!