
Snips and snails

The rhyme rings true in this house.
Sawyer is obsessed with snails...this last one,"Lily" even became our "pet" for a few days.

Sawyer showing "Lily" to Ruby.

This one:
had her first roll-over June 13th
her first smile May 10th
weighed in at 12:6 pounds (95th percentile if you can believe it)
is 24 1/2 inches long (100th percentile if you can believe that)
Who is this baby and where did she come from?

1 comment:

Pam said...

Seeing that her parents are so tall might say where she comes from. Of course I'm pretty short and everyone looks tall to me.
She has her own adorable look.

I wonder if she'll be like Stacy and ask why you didn't name her with an S name. Stacy wanted to know why we didn't name her with a J name. :) just a funny story.