
Who is who?

Alright, here they are...I feel like Ruby has her own
look. I tried to gather pictures that caught them
all around the same age and I still cannot tell.
Everyone says she looks like Siena.

Ruby is giving Sawyer a run for his money on
his easiest baby title but I think for now we will
give her the "Best Sleeper" award and Sawyer can
keep his overall "Best Baby, Most Active Toddler"

I am trying so hard to suck up every moment with
her. I want to remember her smell, her funny faces, stretches
and grunts.

Some days I cannot believe I have 3 kids.


boo and stacy said...

Okay, Sawyer and Ruby are twins!

Tootle Family said...

Ruby sue's eyes!!!! I can't believe them. Beautiful babies. Good idea to show comparison. I should do the Same.

Nicole Svendsen said...

really? Sawyer and Ruby?

Woods Family said...

No, not Sawyer and Ruby! JUST Ruby - maaaaaybe a tinge Siena. CAN WE TALK ABOUT THOSE BLUE EYES?????? WHAT??? Those are NOT changing blue eyes - changing blue eyes are dark blue - these are like Sue's or Malyns!!! WHAT???? Amazing! I think we have a miniature light eyed Nicole - WOOO HOOO - after all that slicing - you deserve one that is a YOU!

Woods Family said...

PS - I need to try the "teach my kids something" documenting . . .

Shelly said...

Oh, believe it baby!! THREE kiddos!!! And three BEAUTIFUL kiddos to boot :-). Miss you, friend!