
She looks a little bit older

Her face is a bit thinner and if you look at the lines
on the background you can see that she has grown.

Siena's last day of school was today. I just adore her
teacher and love her school so it was sad to say goodbye (for this year, anyway).
I asked her this morning whether she was excited to
finish school or sad, to which she responded "I am
kind of both." I feel the same way. But this
summer will be jam packed with Solace
kids and fun activities. So summer, here we come!

September 2010

June 2011


boo and stacy said...

We do love that Sand Tots!! And Siena did have the greatest teacher on the planet! I'm a little of both too Siena.

like the new font Nic!

boo and stacy said...

and I love that pic of the 3 on the header!! Nicole and 2 Eriks!

Shelly said...

GREAT header pic!!! They are too precious for words. I think Siena's hair cut makes her look older too...so polished :-). You have a busy summer ahead. We are excited for you!!!

Pam said...

I love Siena's hair cut. So grown up that little one!